Bigsister provides the tools and confidence for empathic creatives to build an authentic, burnout-free life and career.
Elisa has helped thousands of students and private clients find more balance in their lives through meditation and The Bigsister Method.™
As Seen In
If you’re ready to succeed while feeling balanced.
If you’re ready to do more of what you love.
If you’re ready to feel good in your skin.
You’re in the right place.
Welcome! My name is Elisa Bozmarova. I’m a master-certified hypnotherapist, intuitive counselor, mindfulness expert, and writer.
Internationally Board Certified:
Master Life & Success Coach (MSC)
Master Hypnotherist (CHt)
Master TIME Techniques (MTT)
EFT (Tapping) Practitioner
NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) Master Practitioner (MNLP)
Reiki Master
Master in Fine Arts,
Goucher College
Bachelor of Arts, UC Berkeley, English
“Our session is a clear before and after moment in my life. I am so excited to move forward confidently, knowing that my inner guidance is the only one I need.”
–Krystal Thompson, Hotel Wilderness
My Why:
I’m passionate about helping professionals stuck in unfulfilling careers find their purpose so that they can live joyful, abundant lives. I believe especially now, our world needs people creating from their hearts so that we can all have a sustainable future.
Step into your power—without burnout.
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