Bigsister—Transforming Women's Lives & Propelling Them Forward

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How I used EFT to Recover from a Dog Attack

Yep, it’s true—this weekend I was visiting my grandmother’s village in Bulgaria and got attacked by a stray dog. And…it bit me on the calf.

I screamed at the top of my lungs, fought back, ran as hard as I could, and sobbed as we prepared to go to the hospital.

Luckily, the skin wasn’t broken and I was able to get to safety. You can hear the full story here.

What I did next is what I want to share with you. Because I know the power of the subconscious mind and the mind-body connection, I tapped. I used EFT Tapping in the moment of my biggest emotional pain, fear, and panic.

Tapping allowed me to process the feelings by letting them to arise and be released.

Some of the emotions I uncovered were from my childhood. I’m so glad I was able to finally honor them and let them go.

The result is, I feel completely calm and at peace today, less than 24 hours after this traumatic event.

I’m also taking it easy knowing all of this is a process and I don’t need to feel a certain way or be “over” this experience. But I was amazed at how powerful tapping really is. It helped me feel safe again.

If you’ve been struggling with something, try tapping.

I offer 30-60 minute private EFT Tapping sessions via Zoom. Most people only need 1-3 sessions with me to clear a problem. These can be around any issue you’re going through, from wanting to release weight, get over an ex, attract a new job, and more.

Tap With Me!

Some of you asked for EFT Tapping videos around making more money. Here’s the latest! 💰

Meditations on Insight Timer

Meditation can improve your memory, reduce blood pressure, increase neuroplasticity in the brain, and more. If you need help creating a meditation habit, check out my latest guided meditations on Insight Timer.

What I’m Reading

Don’t forget to feed your brain! Lately I’m reading James Clear’s Atomic Habits. I’m really impressed with Clear’s generosity and methodical approach. Little habit shifts can change your whole life. Super inspiring read. Have you read it?

