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Making Decisions Using the Wisdom of the Body with Pendulums

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Welcome to part two of our series on making decisions without losing your mind using another very simple process: the pendulum.

While The Dream isn’t about self-help so much as it is creatively exploring the spiritual wilderness that is being human, sometimes we need a little practical help. 

I come from a family of spiritual seekers and finders and preachers and folk healers. I was introduced to the concept of a pendulum when I was around 10 years old. The way I learned it was super simple and not “woo” at all. 

Today’s post won't be about dowsing, divination, or communicating with anyone other than your subconscious mind. It’ll be about using the wisdom of your body (and it has a lot) to discern what is right for you. 

How Does it Work? 

Your body does all kinds of things without your conscious awareness. 

Right now, your body is expertly regulating the pH level of your bloodstream (thank God!), beating your heart, breathing, and even your bones are doing things like communicating with your brain. I could go on. It’s amazing.

As I said in the previous article on muscle testing, it’s been proven that your body knows what is true and what is good for you. 

With the pendulum, you ask a question and the fine muscles in your fingers, controlled by your subconscious/unconscious mind, give you an answer.

Fact: I’ve never regretted a decision I’ve made with muscle testing or the pendulum. Are you ready to give it a try?

What is a Pendulum?

It’s a string and a weighted object you hold with your thumb and another finger.

You can use anything. 

Tie a length of thread around a weighted object (even a pen or a ring) and it will work just as well as some fancy whatever you buy at the witch store. Granted, the fancy whatever will probably be prettier and I love a good crystal (chalcedony, you’re so pretty). 

I recommend the length of thread or chain to be around six inches long.

How to Use a Pendulum

  1. Get a pendulum.

  2. Either get a board or make your own. I make my own (see above).

  3. Set an intention. Take some space to give your body and higher power, if you’re into that, some love and gratitude. You’re in a space of uncertainty and that’s not easy.

  4. Rest your pendulum-holding elbow on a surface so you don’t move around by accident.

  5. Hold your pendulum over the board. 

  6. Start off by making “setting” statements— “This way is yes.” (wait for the pendulum to swing in the direction of yes.) “This way is no.” (wait for the pendulum to swing in the direction of no.) 

    1. You can also create a signal for “maybe”—sometimes when you ask a question you might find the pendulum swings in a circle. That’s usually my sign to drop it for now. I just don’t have the answer yet. 

  7. State another “setting” statement that you know is true or false about you. Again, like, “My name is Ellie.”

  8. It’s party time. Make the statement you want clarity around. Some possibilities: I’m ready to start a business, I should write my book this year, I want to work at company A, I want to get married, etc. 

  9. The pendulum will swing yes or no. 

  10. Make the opposite statement, or use the pendulum on the opposite scenario. 

  11. The pendulum will swing yes or no. 

  12. Usually, this process is followed by a feeling of peace associated with the answer you got. This has been the case for me, friends, and clients I’ve worked with. 

Notice we don’t ask questions. You might want to experiment with this for yourself. I don’t ask questions because I want my body to experience the reality of choice A vs choice B as if it’s happening and to go from there. 

Your brain doesn’t know the difference between what you imagine and what’s actually happening in the now. So when you’re making these statements, you’re testing them in your mind with these different methods—you’re tuning in to what’s true for you in this moment. 


You can actually control the pendulum consciously. You might like to give it a try for fun. 

It looks like your hand’s not moving at all, but there goes the pendulum, whichever way you want it to go. 

I was really disillusioned when I discovered this and stopped using a pendulum for years. (Instead choosing to make decisions based on my fears. :) )

So, it’s important that you have a decision that you really aren’t sure about. Maybe you have an opinion, but you’re not clinging to it going a certain way. If you are (be honest!) you’ll probably skew your results. 

Second and Final Caveat

It’s okay to kind of know what you want and to want the pendulum to confirm that. Ultimately, you’re responsible for your choices. 

Muscle testing and pendulums and all kinds of other things are just tools for clarifying what you want. 

An adventurous life is full of decisions. Decide, leap, make mistakes, and you’ll end up where you need to be.