Twenty Signs You Might Be Codependent

Woman sitting in meditation at a retreat in front of an island palm tree.

Credit: Jared Rice via Unsplash

Codependency (or co-dependency) is an emotional and behavioral pattern. It’s where you value other people’s feedback over your inner voice. It can look like fixating on other people’s problem behaviors. You might also feel incomplete without a partner and seek approval. Often, people coming from dysfunctional families show codependent patterns.

Here at BIGSISTER, we’re not interested in labeling you. We’re interested in emotional healing, manifesting love and abundance, and creating fulfilling lives.

However, figuring out if you are codependent might be your next step. It might be the best way to heal from situations that are causing you pain. Are you codependent? If you’re suffering in your relationships, you might be.

Signs of Codependency

How many of these patterns do you notice yourself engaging in on a regular basis? If it’s more than five, you might be codependent.

  1. Difficulty making decisions in a relationship.

  2. Difficulty identifying your feelings.

  3. Difficulty communicating in a relationship.

  4. Valuing the approval of others more than valuing yourself.

  5. Lacking trust in yourself and having poor self-esteem.

  6. People pleasing; feeling selfish or guilty for not meeting the needs of others.

  7. Fear of being alone or being abandoned.

  8. Feeling not good enough or feeling like you're too much or too little.

  9. Being irritable when others don't take your advice.

  10. Diminishing yourself in order to lift up others.

  11. Being everyone's go-to person.

  12. Getting caught in others' trauma and drama.

  13. Rescuing or fixing others, to your demise.

  14. Giving ultimatums or nagging to keep others out of trouble.

  15. Covering or taking a fall for others.

  16. Enduring unhealthy relationships to avoid loneliness.

  17. Giving of your finances and other resources to depletion.

  18. Having an addict, user, abuser, or narcissist in your life.

  19. Having self-limiting or self-sabotaging beliefs; holding yourself back from success.

  20. Over-responsibility or doing more than your fair share.

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Two Resources for Codependency

Codependency isn’t something that changes overnight. It’s a complex difficulty that touches every aspect of our lives. Here are some resources to help you start or deepen your journey. You’re on your way to independence and healthy, interdependent relationships.

(DailyOm, Mental Health America)

Elisa Bozmarova

Bulgarian-American writer.


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