The Power of Setting Your Own Standards


People used to tell me my standards are too high. That I don’t NEED to invest for retirement in my 20s. That therapy doesn’t work.
Can you imagine if I listened to them? You wouldn’t be here, reading this, feeling stuck but imagining your dream life and wondering how you can ensure your own success.

How you can live a life you’re proud of.🔋

***By your standards.***

Yep. Your standards for you. (Or your Higher Power’s standards). Not your standards for others. Not others’ standards for you. Your standards for your own precious life.
Start be being unapologetic about what brings you joy.
Let’s truly live before we die, yeah?

To get help building confidence on the subconscious level and creating an ACTUALLY actionable plan through coaching, send me an email or click here to book a free discovery call with me.

Elisa Bozmarova

Bulgarian-American writer.


Anti-Racism Required Reading


Perception vs. Projection