30 Intention-Setting Journal Prompts


Journaling is a great way to release anxious thoughts, to reflect on your life, and to plan for who you want to be.

Even if you’re new to journaling, these prompts will help focus your attention on specific times, feelings, or plans, and help you create intentions that feel good to you and that align with your deepest goals and desires. Use these prompts to set yourself up for an amazing 2023.

  1. Growing up, what were you taught—overtly or through example and attitude—about the idea of letting go and/or surrendering? Who taught you this?

  2. What do you want to surrender or release? What do you not want to surrender? What would happen in your life if you let it go?

  3. What is a feeling you usually resist or avoid feeling when it comes up?

  4. What would you like more clarity on in your life?

  5. If you were to create a recipe, what are the usual components in you relaxing? Really relaxing? Does it require sun, space, entertainment? 

  6. What three thoughts have you had sometime today? Can you quote them?

  7. How might you practice expanding your awareness today?

  8. Five years ago I was...

  9. What advice would me 5 years from now give me? What advice would I give past me?

  10. Describe a time when your life suddenly changed, either suddenly or over time.

  11. If you could facilitate one change in the world, what would it be?

  12. Describe a time when you were a kid when you had the best day ever. What did you do?

  13. What elements of your best day ever might you incorporate today or this weekend?

  14. Describe a time when you persevered and overcame a difficult situation.

  15. Describe someone who you admire. What do you admire about them?

  16. If I gave myself complete permission to shine, my life would look like this:

  17. Describe a moment that filled you with joy and excitement.

  18. What are you excited about this week? Is there a new chapter coming up? If nothing is coming up, can you be excited about having enough food, or healthy friends and family?

  19. What do you usually do when you’re experiencing difficult times or feelings?

  20. How will you be present with yourself, your body, and your feelings this week?

  21. Describe a time when you felt incredibly loved. How can you show yourself love today?

  22. Name a time when you had a hard time trusting that things would work out. What happened next?

  23. Can you recall a time when you felt really heard and listened to? What were the key ingredients in that moment?

  24. How might you practice presence as you get ready for bed tonight? Or when you have your next conversation with someone?

  25. What are you releasing this year and allowing to stay behind in 2021?

  26. What are you calling into your life as we move into December?

  27. What would you like more of in your life? What specifically? What would you do with it?

  28. On a scale of 1-10, how peaceful have you been feeling lately? What has been contributing to that number?

  29. What is your picture of peace? In your life, community, world? What is one simple action you can take to start cultivating more of this peace?

  30. Think of someone who you often feel happy when you’re with them. Can you call or text them or tell them you love them this week? When will you do that?

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Elisa Bozmarova

Bulgarian-American writer.


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